It takes a village…

  • All of our packaging materials - cans, labels, boxes etc., are now purchased within a 100km radius of our facility Squamish. All of our services (branding, package design, accounting, bookkeeping, sales team) are with Squamish or Vancouver-based companies, and our ingredients come from both B.C. and Ontario companies.

  • We started this business as a means to create work for ourselves in our small town so we could be near our children and tailor our workday to their needs. We offer this to our permanent staff and find it is a valuable perk. We organize our production schedule with input from everyone and allow the workday to accommodate school pickup, Pro-D days and other demands they face as working parents. We hope to continue to provide a work environment that promotes happy employees and happy families.

  • in 2022 we switched from glass to aluminum. We are happy to be using the most sustainable option for beverage packaging. The energy savings our cans will accumulate when recycled are far greater than for glass—96 percent vs. a mere 26.5 percent. As well, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 20 percent.